Your Startup Needs a Video Marketing Strategy

Just like any content piece for you business, you should be able to measure and generate a positive ROI for your efforts. With modern tech and mobility, your customers can watch a video pretty much anywhere and anytime. They can watch on their smartphone, laptop, or even their fridge! But has your startup adapted to this amazing accessibility to video? Do you have an explainer video? Maybe some ads running in rotation? A customer testimonial video?

In today’s digital marketing landscape, a moderate effort with video content will only take you so far. A viral video will gain you some short-term success, but it’s hardly a strategy to grow your business. Just like any form of marketing, video marketing is a continuous effort and not a one-off.

Your startup doesn’t need a video, it needs a video strategy.

Let’s check out the data.

Aberdeen Group found that marketers who use video strategically see significantly better returns than those who use video sparingly or not at all. The video marketers had an average of 65% better website conversion rates while reducing their cost per lead (CPL) by 19%, resulting in a 65% improvement in the number of deals closed.

So are you ready to turn your startup into a video marketing machine (VMM)?

Here are a few key elements of an effective video strategy that should get you on the right track.

Set Video Marketing Goals

Just like any marketing campaign, begin by thinking about what you’re looking to accomplish with your video marketing strategy.

Do you want to increase brand awareness?

Increase revenue?

Educate your customers?

Whatever you want to accomplish from your video marketing efforts, it’s important to set goals. Not only will it be easier to start your strategy but it will help measure the success of your videos in the future.

Channel Differentiation

The most important thing to consider is that video is consumed differently across different social media channels. For example, a silent 15 second video works well on Facebook as viewers tend to watch videos on mute (by default) which they skim very quickly. But the same video would not be ideal on Youtube where viewers prefer longer videos (with sound).

Before production, identify the main channel(s) you will be using and strategize how you will be sharing the video on each platform. If you’re planning to share on more than one channel, consider cutting the video into multiple styles to accommodate for each platform.

ROI Measurements

Your video marketing strategy should provide important insight on whether your videos on succeeding. If your goal is increasing brand awareness, then it can be as simple as looking at your views count. But if your goal is a bit more sophisticated, then you might need more data.

If you are using videos for ecommerce, profit can be measured in terms of sales completed. For marketing and sales videos you can measure profit in terms of leads generated. Increased productivity or cost savings is another way to measure the value video brings your startup.

Whether your measurement is measured in terms of revenue, productivity, or greater brand awareness, decide on your measurement criteria and be certain that you have the tools in place to capture and understand data that determines the success of your video.

Create a Video Content Plan

Finally, before you call any agencies, lay your hands on a camera, or Slack the intern, you need to create a video content plan that corresponds with your video marketing strategy.

The key is to know your limits.

Be realistic.

How many videos can you produce a week? A month? A quarter?

From here, outline a content calendar with your ideal production frequency. Don’t forget to cross reference any existing content calendars you may have for your newsletter or social media.

Now, the fun part, choosing the video type you want to produce. There are a ton of different types you can create but for startups, these are the most ideal:

  • Product Video
  • Explainer Video
  • Customer Testimonial Video
  • Tutorial Video
  • Educational Video
  • How-To Video
  • About Us Video
  • Case Study Video

When starting, it’s recommended you prioritize the video content that will provide a necessity for your startup. Create a bullet list or spreadsheet with proposed topics, a brief outline, and estimated length of the video.

Remember, videos between 1 and 2 minutes tend to get the most engagement.

You also want to make sure that each video has a specific call to action for your viewers like subscribing to your blog, downloaded a piece of content, visiting your website, or taking advantage of a promotion.

Hopefully this post has you set on the right track! To keep learning, make sure to subcribe to the Video Marketing Blog, and if you need help your startup video marketing, don’t hesitate to contact Bacon Video today.

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